Let's podcast!
Hi everyone!
#PalomICTeacher has to adapt to this situation that the world is living nowadays. She was thinking about the next course, and she panicked thinking about this situation could continue until the end of the year.
So, she decided to create a way to prepare herself in case she has to teach online. On September, she would start a new course. So, she would need to welcome her new students. Is it there a better way to do it than with a podcast? Nope.
Consequently, she started to investigate how to record a podcast and to learn how her lessons could be motivating for her students. She found very useful tools to record and edit the podcast. I think everyone could use it if they have at least a bit of digital competence. So, let's start!
Firstly, she started planning the course, the content she is going to teach, searching for activities allowed to do online… Once she had some ideas more or less clear, she wrote a script about what she was going to talk during the podcast. Attached you here the script to can have a look to it, if you are interested.
Then, she started to record the podcast with a tool called WavePad. It seems really difficult to use once you open it, but do not be afraid! Because it just takes some minutes to familiarize with the elements you will need to use (record, divide clip and save). Do not worry if at the first try, you do not get it. It is normal, I had to try many times until I recorded it properly. Keep calm and, do not give up!
This is a premium tool, but it allows you to record several times, so do not worry! Use it, because it is great.
After that she has mixed all the clips with MixPad, which is intended to edit, mix and add effect to you clips. Also, it allows you to export it in the format that you wish.
Again, this is a premium tool, but it let you to record several times until it asks you to pay, so, do not worry! Use it, because it is great too.
Once she has recorded, edited and exported the podcast, the only thing she had to do was to upload to a tool which let people reproduce it. The app used by #PalomICTeacher is called Spreaker. It allows you to create playlists in order to classify your podcast as you want. Also, it enables you to add hashtags, description, a image, topic field… She loves it. It is really simple to use and allows other people to listen to it directly from the link or to embedder where you need to.
In conclusion, she did not think it was going to be as easy as it was. So, do not lose the chance to become a pro podcaster! In the following lines, I describe how it would be the introduction of the topic and the podcast I recorded.
Hello, future artists!!
Listen to the following podcast to know a little bit more about our future lessons. Please, press play to start listening to it.
Attached you here a link to a PDF with the first activity you should do “All about me”, “All about the teacher” to get a bit inspired, the assessment, “The Prizes Shop” , and an extra project. Click on it and downland in order to do it!
If you are interested on me talking
about a specific topic, any suggestion or you want to give me some new ideas,
write it down in comments!
...and remember, #KnowlegdeIsPower !
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