How to plan to record a video!
Hi everyone!!
#PalomICTeacher has been working during these weeks with some of her colleagues: Iratics Education, Tania, and Maricusqui. They were preparing a very entertaining activity for Women’s Day. Hope the result seems as good as in our minds! Jajaja
Firstly, it took us a couple of days to think about the idea we were going to record and film. Due to this situation, working with colleagues in the same place, it is impossible. So, we thought that the best idea would be, as we are doing these days, to do a videocall. In this videocall, four girls have to investigate about women important in the history. The ones selected were Marie Curie, Hedy Lamarr, Frida Kahlo and Dian Fossey.
In the video, they would seem bored about staying at home and working all day. However, due to “some internet connection issues”, suddenly they would become the women they were investigating of. After a short explanation of their lifes, they would realize how important these women were in history and all the useful things they made. The four girls would come back to the previous videocall, but with something characteristic about their respective women because everything you experience or learn, makes you become who you are.
In order to help us organize our work, we have created a Document on Google Drive to work together. We designed there the script the four girls would follow in the video.
#PalomICTeacher’s Advice:
Be organized! Even doing a script may take you some time, it will worth it because once you have it, it is just about record the video.
In addition, we also designed a “comic” to represent our thoughts and ideas about the video.
#PalomICTeacher’s Advice:
Each mind could imagine the same story in different ways. So, you should make sure that your ideas are the same or you should create a common one between the group.
Attached you here the Google Drive Document in order to you could have a look to it! Hope you like the idea!
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...and remember, #KnowlegdeIsPower !
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